Monday, June 28, 2010

D is for Daddy; D is for Derek!

Time to pay homage to our favourite man!

D is for Daddy:

Ava loves her Daddy, he makes her giggle, he reads to her, plays with her, he knows how to get her to cooperate, he is such a fun Daddy!

Ava's Daddy knows how what to say that will make her giggle, its always something silly, they've even started to watch Sponge Bob together!

Derek is also really good at getting Ava to cooperate with him by making things fun and distracting her when she doesn't want to do as we ask, he is great at making a game of things and getting her to listen or reading a book to her to distract her from something else. Derek is a wonderful Daddy and Ava loves him very much :)

D is for Derek:

What can I say? I'm a lucky woman to have such a fabulous husband. He's been having a rough month, thanks to seasonal allergies wreaking havoc on him, but he still manages to do so much for me. We went shopping this weekend and he bought me all sorts of things, whether he had planned on it or not is another story, but he still was very good to me despite feeling like crap from "allergyville".

I'm so proud of his work achievements this year, becoming the News Director and all the plans he has for taking the news in a new and exciting direction and I can't wait to see it all come to fruition. Since last August when I had to go back to work he has taken on so much more responsibility between his own job and taking care of Ava and it amazes me every day how much he does. I really am so proud of him.

This August we will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary and I can't believe how fast those 5 years have gone, so much has happened in those 5 years: wedding, bought a house, had a baby and through it all we've remained strong. It makes me happy to have such a wonderful and supportive partner to go through life with. I could only hope for the same kind of love for my family and friends. Here's to another amazing 5 years my love.

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful, Merrilee! I am sure Derek feels the same. Awwww you two! :)
