Saturday, October 16, 2010

R is for Reading; R is for Reliving My Youth

R is for Reading:

Ava loves books, she always has and I hope always will. We go to the library every few weeks and usually take out about 7 or 8 books, which we then read at least 3 of those until Mommy and Daddy are tired of them, but Ava can't get enough. The ones we'll be taking back that have been read over and over this time are "How to Catch a Giraffe" "Bear in Underwear" and "Hippo Has a Hat". During our trips to the library Ava will usually sit at the kids computer and watch the Cat in the Hat or the Sesame Street games while I pick out some bright and colourful books for us to read. Ava will occasionally pick out a book or two but usually that task is left up to Mommy, it's also quicker ;)

Ava is also becoming really good at reading numbers out loud, if she knows the number she can say it out loud, we've even heard her count past 10! The other day she said "11, 12, 13" and I'm not sure if 2.5 year olds can usually count that high, but we are pretty pleased :)

R is for Reliving My Youth:

One of the best things about being a parent is getting to relive some of the best parts of your childhood, even watching Disney movies! This evening we sat down with a bowl of popcorn and my favourite Disney movie, "Beauty and the Beast." Ava really liked it and thought the Beast was funny more than scary, at the end when Belle and the Prince are dancing, Ava was saying "Not Beast" so cute and so perceptive :)

It really is so fun to get to see things through fresh new eyes, and to get to do some of the things that I used to enjoy all over again.

Another thing I'm getting to relive again is my love of writing, I have something coming up next month that I'm pretty excited about that I will share with you later, but it has something to do with with the word Mom and the word Posse!

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