Sunday, June 20, 2010

A is for Ava, A is for Aging

I've wanted to blog for awhile now but I didn't really have any idea what to write about. I used to write all the time, then once life got busier I stopped, no reason other than being too busy and not really needing any kind of outlet. Then today as I was sitting in the car with a sleeping Ava in the back seat, I had time to think since I had nothing but time to think while I waited for Derek to return from getting groceries. I would write about the two things I know best, myself and my sweet little girl. So here it is, my inaugural post :)

A is for Ava.

The reason for this blog my beautiful little girl who brought new meaning to my life. All those cliches people tell you when they have kids, they may be cheesy, but their true. Time moves differently when you watch something you've created grow up and change on a daily basis. It's not about the future, its about the present, every day they grow and change a little more. Ava amazes us every day, for some one who is 2 she sure acts a lot older! She is so creative and loves to draw and colour, she loves to read, she loves to play with hair (especially mine) and she loves to be outdoors.

She is very smart and has been quickly learning sign language as a way to communicate since she doesn't say a whole lot. We've only been teaching her for a little while, but she already can sign at least 10 different words and every day she gets better at them :) She really is a wonderful little girl and I can't imagine my life without her.

A is for Aging.

As I was sitting in the car waiting for Derek with Ava peacefully asleep in the backseat, I had time to take a look in the mirror and to be honest I didn't like what I saw. Well, actually when I took a quick look I did, but as I looked closer with the natural light pouring through the windows, I saw a couple of things I didn't like. I saw many gray hairs and I saw some tiny wrinkles under my eyes. It seems that along with turning 30 last November, I also got some bonus gifts in the form of gray hair and wrinkles. I always figured that going into your thirties you would take some sort of maturity with you, but I didn't realize that all of these bonus "gifts" would start so soon. It also made me realize its time to dye my hair again.

1 comment:

  1. Loving your blog! I look forward to reading more!
    XOXO Trish
